Welcome to Baldwin Wallace Univeristy! Guests of Baldwin Wallace who are enrolled in professional development courses or are visiting campus for an extended length of time can be issued BW Registered Guest Wireless Access. Please check with your BW Host for the BW Registered Guest Wireless Access credentials.
Please follow the steps I've included below to connect to the BW Guest Wireless Network as a registered guest.
STEP 1. Search for BW_Guest - Depending on your device, open your wireless access settings and choose the BW_Guest wireless network.
STEP 2: Read the terms of service and press Registered Guest to accept the end-user agreement and sign in with your Registered Guest credential.
STEP 3: Enter the BW_Guest Registered Sign-in credentials provided to you by your host.
EXAMPLE: If you were provided with the sign-in credentials tst867530N and 9876 enter:
- Username: tst867530n
- Password: 9876
STEP 4: Click Sign 0n
You are now connected to the BW_Guest WiFi Network.
Contact Baldwin Wallace University IT Support if you need help connecting any of your devices to the BW_Guest WiFi Network.